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FWY Parents March Update

It’s been a fun year so far, but this month, we’ve got big plans for helping your teenager grow closer to God than ever before.
Here are a few things coming up in our ministry . . .

FWYO: We need a youth to volunteer for the next month's Fresh Wind Youth Online series! Reach out to Pastor Jared or Allison to get on the list.

New Youth Room Ideas: With the new building we have the opportunity to create a space just for your youth, what would you like to see? 
Habits! We all have them, so let’s talk about them. Whether you’ve got good habits (like getting enough sleep or remembering to floss) or bad habits (like biting your nails or checking your phone too often), most of your habits are probably small, tiny, hardly noticeable habits. But over time, those tiny habits can really impact your life, for good or bad. So what about your spiritual habits? What are the small things you do every day that either draw you closer to God or keep you at a distance? In this 4-week series, we’ll discover some principles from Scripture that have the power to help you develop tiny habits that can make a big impact — habits like spending time with God, investing in your relationships, sharing your faith story, and worshiping with your life.
Technology. It’s our best friend and it’s our worst nightmare. We often find ourselves leaning towards the enemy end of that spectrum as we think about all of the ways phones and devices can be distracting or problematic. However, if we stop and think about it, technology can be a great tool for helping teenagers in their relationships with God and with one another!
Looking to help teenagers develop a new habit for spending time with God? Want to help them to see how fun and engaging the Bible really can be? Check out this 30-DAY DEVO CHALLENGE from our good friends at SundayCool by clicking the photo above! 
We’re always trying to better understand what it’s like to raise a teenager. So here’s what we’re wondering: What’s the HARDEST thing about raising your teenager right now? Reach out and let us know!
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