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FWY Parents October Update

October is here! It's time to Trick-or-treat yourself! Parenting is hard take a break and do something you enjoy! 
Here are a few things coming up in our ministry . . .

Fresh Wind Youth is going DIGITAL! Starting October 6th all lessons will be in the form of a video podcast that will be available on Youtube, Facebook, the A Fresh Wind Church app, and everywhere you listen to Podcast. The goal here is to meet the students where they are at, youth group is for them after all. Don't worry though, there will be two points that we still gather:

1. Youth Breakfasts - One Sunday a month students will be invited to have join FWY for breakfast during Sunday morning service. This will contain a lesson for the day but will also give the students an opportunity to connect with their peers and leaders.

2. Wednesday Night Hangout - One Wednesday a month Students will be invited to Pastor Jared and Allison's house from 6-8 PM. This night will have no lesson and solely be focused on building relationships between peers and leaders.
Type your new text here.
Let’s face it, life isn’t easy. In times of loss, grief, pain, or doubt, it’s normal to have questions — and it’s okay to ask them. If you’ve ever tried to make sense of your circumstances, or wished life didn’t have to hurt so much, or wondered why God won’t fix what you’re going through, you’re not alone. In this 4-week series, we’ll hear about a few people from Scripture who know exactly what it’s like. With Esther, David, Peter, Amos, and John, we’ll explore hard questions you thought you weren’t allowed to ask, like “When people are hurting, where is God? When I’m hurting, does God leave me? If God is good, why do bad things happen? And when life hurts, is God listening?”
You are the coolest parent we know! Now, you may not feel trendy, outgoing, or young enough for teenagers to think you’re cool, but the good news is that every single one of those things matters much less than we tend to think. Whether or not your teenager or their friends ever call you cool, you can be the greatest influence in their life!
Type your new text here.
YOU CAN DRAW! Many of you will read that and not believe it. Many more would read that and not believe it if the word “draw” was replaced with “dance,” “lead,” or “change the world.” The point is  you are capable of more than you probably think you are and we want you to believe what we already know to be true.

We consider our volunteer leaders to be the best link we have between our church and your family. So here’s a question: Have you had a conversation with your teenager’s leader yet this year?

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